Welcome to this event!
A collaboration between Medeon, Malmö University (MAU), Lund University (LU) and Smile Venture Hub.
It presents the opportunities available within Open Lab South, the research infrastructures that companies have access to and current research project that are ongoing.
The event includes a tour of the pilot halls for the department of food and pharmaceuticals at LTH.
There is also time to network with other companies and researchers in food innovation.
Exampels of companies that have used Open Lab South laboratories:
Those that work with product development, water purification, pharmaceutical formulation, medical technology
and the extraction of substances for skin care from plants.
Från datum: 2024-11-27
Till datum: 2024-11-27
Adress till evenemanget: Naturvetarvägen 14, Lund Division of Food and Pharma,LTH
Webbplats för evenemanget: https://openlabsouth.se
Pris: no cost
Medeon är en viktig life science-nod med sin centrala placering och specifika nätverk som erbjuder en av Öresundsregionens bästa tillväxtmiljöer för företagande och främjar utbytet mellan akademi, det offentliga och näringslivet.
Catrine Pauckstadt
Communications Manager