New updates in drugformulation & bioavailability

New updates in Drug Formulation & Bioavailability started in 2013 and is a platform based on the concept of synergies between "science" and "business". Meet R&D people, the pharma industry, increase your awareness and gain more knowledge about this exciting topic. The presented content and topics will focus on advancements in formulations and cutting edge technologies that can allow cheaper, safer and effective drugs. Pharmaceutical formulation can have a huge impact on the bioavailability of a given drug and is one of the key factors in the successful development of drug delivery systems. However, many of the APIs in the development pipelines often possess poor physico-chemical properties, which make them difficult to formulate using classic approaches and hence require the use of new and enabling formulation approaches. The meeting will include pre-bookable face-to-face-meetings and will be covered by the media.

Från datum: 2021-09-01

Till datum: 2021-09-01

Namn Maria Eriksson

Telefon +460708741834


Adress till evenemanget: Medicon Valley Alliance Arne Jacobsens Allé 15, 2. Ørestad City DK-2300 Copenhagen S

Webbplats för evenemanget:

Pris: Kostnadsfritt

Arrangör: Life Science Sweden

Medeon är en viktig life science-nod med sin centrala placering och specifika nätverk som erbjuder en av Öresundsregionens bästa tillväxtmiljöer för företagande och främjar utbytet mellan akademi, det offentliga och näringslivet.

Catrine Pauckstadt
Communications Manager